Biological psychiatry recognizes mental disorders as brain disorders requiring a multilevel approach from genes to neuroimaging to psychosocial mechanisms. This course provides an overview of major psychiatric diagnoses through a framework of neurobiology, psychopharmacology and evidenced-based practice. Students will gain exposure to a broad range of mental disorders and biological treatments in modules covering neuropsychiatric disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurocognitive disorders, mental illnesses, paraphilic disorders and neuromodulation.This course will be delivered by mixed teaching methods and include selected readings as well as presentations by student participants on topics related to biological psychiatry. Weekly seminars will be facilitated by faculty members affiliated with the CNS and other departments at Queen’s University.Winter Term; A. Bickle/N. KhalifaPREREQUISITE permission of course coordinators Dr. Bickle/Dr. Khalifa