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General Information

Botterell Hall, 18 Stuart Street
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6

Look for Botterell Hall (#64) on the Queen's Campus Map
Look for 18 Stuart Street on Google Maps

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm

Fax: (613) 533-6840 (please note there are no staff in the office to pick up faxes at this time)

For individual contact information please see the following pages:

" "

CNS "Strategy at a Glance" (2018-2023)


The CNS is internationally recognized for ground-breaking inter-disciplinary neuroscience research and teaching, through:

  • Defining and being known for significant achievements in 3-4 research themes where we hold significant expertise and where we continually strive for excellence
  • Being a hub in a pan-Canadian neuroscience network linking medical, industry and other partners in collaborative research and teaching
  • Proactively engaging faculty across Queen's and in other institutions in collaborative, multi-disciplinary initiatives
  • Developing and delivering innovative graduate education programs.

By 2023, we will:

  • Recruit new faculty with primary appointments in neuroscience
  • Ensure financial sustainability with mechanisms in place. Benefactors have been secured and endowments are in place
  • Have a plan in place to establish a physical research centre, where trainees and faculty can meet
  • Have outstanding public outreach and strong community relations
Monitoring ActivityPurposeReporting
Reality check (Dec 2018)Refine strategic plan and associated objectivesInternal
Strategy update (May 2019 and then annual)Review priorities, update objectives and action plansAnnual report to Members, FHS
Strategy Renewal (5 years)Full refresh of e-scan, vision, mission, prioritiesMembers, FHS


Mission 2019

Lay the foundations for a sustainable program of innovative, inter-disciplinary neuroscience research and teaching, and so assure the future success of the Center through:

  • Creating a well governed organization with 2-3 major research themes
  • Raising the profile and accomplishments of the Center and neurosciences activities at Queen's, and enhance the dialogue and collaboration around neuroscience research among Queen's faculty members
  • Establishing a plan for a sustainable financial model for the Center's operations
  • Effectively modifying our graduate program

Five Priorities in 2018-2019

1. Research
  • 1.1 Identify the 3 research themes that are the future focal points of the Center's research activities (2018)
  • 1.2 Enhance research funding in the Center from tri-council, other sources (2019)
  • 1.3 Develop the recruitment plan around our core strengths (2019)

1a. Set up committee to evaluate research themes, collate the data, int. Who: Steve

1b. CNS research retreat to link basic and clinical researchers Who: Kelly


2. Education
  • 2.1 Implement professional development plan for graduate students and post-docs (2018)
  • 2.2 Define NSCI 800 b syllabus and who will teach (2018)
  • 2.3 Propose NSCI 800b and revised set of courses
  • 2.4 Review graduate course offering and propose a new set of courses

2a. Define NSCI 800b syllabus, who will be teaching? When: Sept-Dec 2018 Who: Gunnar, Al

2b. Review the grad course offerings and identify gaps When: Sept-Dec 2018 Who: Gunnar, Lucy

2c. Prof Development guidelines proposal When: Sept-Dec 2018 Who: Gunnar, Al, Lucy

3. Profile & Awareness
  • 3.1 Colour brochure for the Center (2018)
  • 3.2 Director presents CNS to as many faculties & depts. as possible
  • 3.3 At least one bbq evening (2018)
  • 3.4 Every faculty member at QU aware of CNS and what it does
  • 3.5 Increase social media presence with faculty and students
  • 3.6 NOP more visible to the general public and Queen's community

3a. Present CNS at 6 faculties, schools or departments at QU. When: Dec 30 Who: Roumen.

3b. Include links to social media activities in welcome packages When: Sept 2018 Who: Lucy

3c. Send regular reminders to faculty/students for items that can be posted on social media When: immediate Who: AJ

3d: BBQ night activity When: tbd Who: Kelly

3e: Develop a QU comms plan to promote the CNS activities to the greater QU Who: Kelly

4. Governance
  • 4.1 Org chart and role descriptions finalized (2018)
  • 4.2 Finalize/launch membership agreement (2018)
  • 4.3 Terms of Ref for committees established (2018)
  • 4.4 Determine a calendar of faculty and staff meetings (2018)
  • 4.5 Social committee functioning (at least 1 event)
  • 4.6 External Advisory Committee populated and has met at least once
  • 4.7 Internal Advisory Committee meeting regularly
  • 4.8 Program Leads appointed

4a. Review & finalize org chart Who: Roumen

4b. Create role descriptions for all positions Who: Kelly

4c. Finalize membership agreement Who: Roumen

4d: Update 5 year strategy at Fall retreat Who: Roumen

4e. Determine a calendar of faculty and staff meeting Who: Kelly

4f. Organize a social function Who: Kelly / Student members

5. Financial Sustainability
  • 5.1 Identify alternative elements of a sustainable financial model (2018)
  • 5.2 Get on the Queen's priority list for Advancement
  • 5.3 Explore and launch at least one revenue-generating professional certificate

5a. Meet with VP advancement Who: Roumen, Dean, VPR

5b. Meet with relevant Deans, VP Research and Provost. Set up briefings with various units on campus to 'promote' encourage collaboration. Who: Roumen

5c. Select a Lead within the next 30 days. Organize a couple meetings and perhaps explore collaborations with the School of Business.


Code of etiquette

The Centre’s Code of Etiquette as approved by the Executive Committee on January 20th, 2020.  Many thanks to all who took the time to participate in the survey on CNS etiquette.


This is the official logo of the CNS, to be used for branding purposes:  

CNS Logo Transparent

Vector Graphic Version

To access Queen’s University’s logo please visit here