Affiliation: Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Talk Title: Dynamical constraints on neural population activity
Seminars are now offered as hybrid in-person meetings.
Physical Location: Abramsky Hall Room 002
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Abstract: The manner in which neural activity unfolds over time is thought to be central to sensory, motor, and cognitive functions in the brain. Network models have long posited that the brain’s computations involve time courses of activity that are shaped by the underlying network. A prediction from this view is that the activity time courses should be difficult to violate. We leveraged a brain-computer interface (BCI) to challenge monkeys to violate the naturally-occurring time courses of neural population activity that we observed in motor cortex. This included challenging animals to traverse the natural time course of neural activity in a time-reversed manner. Animals were unable to violate the natural time courses of neural activity when directly challenged to do so. These results provide empirical support for the view that activity time courses observed in the brain indeed reflect the underlying network-level computational mechanisms that they are believed to implement.