NIRsport2 fNIRSThe NIRSport2 fNIRS system is a portable neuroimaging device that uses near-infrared light to measure local surface brain activity by detecting changes in blood oxygenation through the skull. It can connect to LSL to record incoming triggers from experimental software.Unicorn Hybrid BlackUnicorn Hybrid Black is a wearable EEG-headset that connects via Bluetooth. It can transmit near-real-time EEG and accelerometer data of the head. It also comes with a suite of pre-built tools for easy demonstration purposes.Muse 2The Muse 2 is a multi-sensor meditation device that provides real-time feedback on brain activity, heart rate, breathing, and body movements to guide and enhance meditation practices. It tracks frontal EEG patterns, heart rate, and breathing patterns.Theia Markerless Motion CaptureThe Theia Markerless Motion Capture system can capture and analyze human movement without the need for physical markers. It utilizes multi-camera recordings of human movement and activity with offline AI analysis to characterize 3D motion and report joint positions and angles.AdHawk MindLink EyetrackerThe AdHawk MindLink offers eye tracking built into a pair of glasses. The system records eye-tracking information and records forward-facing video. It can record to either an attached PC or a smartphone equiped with the AdHawk app.Galea Biosensing HeadsetThe Galea Biosensing Headset offers a VR environment with integrated EEG, EOG, EDA, PPG, and Eye tracking.Delsys Trigno Wireless EMGThe Delsys Trigno offers eight-channel mobile wireless EMG with embedded accelerometers for easy tracking of muscle activity around any space and with any activity.... and moreThe Neurotechnology Labs are constantly adding new equipment to our library. Ask us about any that you are interested in.